Text reads "Wild Lectionary, A Preacher's Environmental Resource" over loose green watercolour of a set of hills and trees

Wild Lectionary is for those who want to preach on climate justice themes. In scripture, landforms, skies, waterways, and creatures are transformed. In the world around us they are transformed as well by the advancing global climate crisis. Repeatedly we are called to attend to the wisdom of the more-than-human world. Each week a different contributor offers commentary on the lectionary readings, suggestions for preaching, and links to additional material. We hope you will use and share these resources.

  • We are hoping to keep this resource going year-round. If you are interested in collaborating, e-mail Laurel.

  • For preachers who want to engage with scripture and with climate crisis here are some tools for approaching biblical texts.

    Focus on Climate Justice. Credited to various activists from the global south, climate justice is a term that asserts that the impacts of global climate change and the work of responding to it are not borne equally. Racialized, impoverished, Indigenous, coastal and island peoples experience the greatest impacts while bearing the least responsibility and are at the forefront of movements for land defense, mutual aid, and corporate and governmental accountability (Gabbatis and Tandon, 2022). Bringing a climate justice approach to scripture means focusing not simply on “creation” or “the environment” but addressing the interrelationships between human and ecological exploitation, extraction, displacement, and inequity.

    Apply Eco-Justice Principles. Norman Habel and the Earth Bible Project have identified six principles in scripture. 

    1. The Principle of Intrinsic Worth: The universe, Earth, and all its components have intrinsic worth/value

    2. The Principle of Interconnectedness: Earth is a community of inter-connected living things that are mutually dependent on each other for life and survival.

    3. The Principle of Voice: Earth is a living entity capable of raising its voice in celebration and against injustice.

    4. The Principle of Purpose: The universe, Earth and all its components are a part of a dynamic cosmic design within which each piece has a place in the overall of that design.

    5. The Principle of Mutual Custodianship: Earth is a balanced and diverse domain where responsible custodians can function as partners with, rather than rulers over, Earth to sustain its balance and a diverse Earth community.

    6. The Principle of Resistance: Earth and its components not only suffer from human injustices but actively resist them in the struggle for justice.

    Use an Eco-Feminist Lens. The Rev. Dr. Leah D. Schade “the eco-preacher” has developed four additional principles. 

    1. Focus on Earth-orientation rather than focusing strictly on humans, and particularly male humans. Read Scripture through a “green lens” to ascertain how texts may be oppressive or liberating to women, children, those most vulnerable, and the Earth community.

    2. Proclaim the good news for both the human and other-than-human community of Earth. Analyze the impact and power that certain texts will have when preached in a community of faith within its ecological context.

    3. Practice a hermeneutic of remembrance. Recover biblical traditions so that we can view the biblical story from an ecofeminist perspective, moving away from the inherent human-centeredness and male-centeredness of texts that assume subordination of Earth and women.

    4. Engage creative actualization. Tell stories from Earth’s and women’s perspectives. Reformulate narratives lifting up the discipleship of equals among human communities and with our Earth kin.

    Consider the Ecological Triangle of God, Non-Human Creation, and Humanity. Hilary Marlow proposes this alternative method of ecological engagement which allows the texts to speak for themselves. She asks:

    • What understanding does the text present of non-human creation (local or cosmic)?

    • What are the assumptions of the author about God’s relationship to the created world? 

    • What effects do human actions have upon non-human creation and vice versa?

  • It costs approximately $275 CAD for the work of research, writing, editing, coordinating and hosting one week of resources on Wild Lectionary. If you have appreciated this faithful climate justice resource please consider sponsoring a page or asking your congregation to do so. It is a gift that benefits so many.

Ascension: Where Heaven and Earth Meet
Laurel Dykstra Laurel Dykstra

Ascension: Where Heaven and Earth Meet

The Ascension, told in each of Luke and Acts functions as something of a literary hinge between those two volumes. There are a number of elements that resonate for readers in a time of climate crisis and lend themselves to homiletic engagement:

The Ascension has apocalyptic elements echoing the lifting up of the Human One in the book of Daniel. How might this change in how Jesus was present with them have impacted a community that had already experienced his crucifixion? How do we experience successive crises?

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Easter 6, Year B: Expanding Definitions: Friendship
Rev. Alecia Greenfield Rev. Alecia Greenfield

Easter 6, Year B: Expanding Definitions: Friendship

I have called you a friend.

Being a friend can be difficult. Friendship doesn't have the same predictable patterns as families or the structure of teacher/student, master/servant. It is easy to make relationship errors when the bonds are affection (not rules and expectations). We humans tend to stick to friendships in the safe space of familiar patterns. We mostly imagine friends as people and often stick to people who look like us, talk like us, and live in similar economic situations. It feels safer.

But Jesus didn't do that.

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Face to Face with the Other
Rev Brynn Craffey Rev Brynn Craffey

Face to Face with the Other

Acts 8:26-40, celebrating an extraordinary encounter between the early evangelist St. Philip and an Ethiopian pilgrim, opens with “an angel of the Lord” ordering Philip to, “Get up and go toward the south” on the road from Jerusalem to the ancient community of Gaza, communicating to us from the get-go that whatever is coming in this narrative, it will be divinely ordained. 

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Easter 5, Year B: Entwined in the Lifegiving Vine
Wes Howard-Brook and Sue Ferguson Johnson Wes Howard-Brook and Sue Ferguson Johnson

Easter 5, Year B: Entwined in the Lifegiving Vine

The Gospel from John 15 invites hearers to envision and experience our lives as entwined in a living Vine. Our Acts passage puts the search for water before the move toward baptism, linking them tightly together. And the passage from 1 John proclaims that “God is Love,” flowing out and among all creation. 

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Easter 4, Year B: Christ as Shepherd and Cornerstone
Amy L. Dalton Amy L. Dalton

Easter 4, Year B: Christ as Shepherd and Cornerstone

The lectionary texts for the Fourth Sunday of Easter bring into focus what Guidance might be available to all who find ourselves facing down the forces of death, violence, division and hate. It just so happens that many of the folks that I am encountering who are doing this just now with the full force of their being do not identify as “religious.” I think it is a notable coincidence, then, that the texts from this week draw out the humanist or “non-theist” aspects of the Christian path – which are in fact doctrinally integral, but have often been “picked and refused” by the builders of the church. Viewed in this way, the Easter story provides all people with a template for a Way of living that has the effect of dismantling the power of death-dealing.

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